As a WooCommerce store owner, it’s crucial to provide flexible and efficient shipping options for your customers. With the rise of e-commerce and the need for multi-channel selling, Webkul’s Marketplace Per Product Shipping Plugin for WooCommerce stands out as a vital addition to any online store. This comprehensive review aims to provide a detailed overview of the plugin’s features, benefits, and overall performance.
Marketplace Per Product Shipping Plugin for WooCommerce is a premium plugin developed by Webkul, specifically designed to cater to the needs of online marketplaces. As a standalone module, it can only work in conjunction with Webkul’s Multi-Vendor Marketplace plugin for WooCommerce. Therefore, if you’re already using Webkul’s multi-vendor plugin, you can integrate this shipping solution seamlessly.
Key Features
- Product-level shipping control: Administrators and sellers can define shipping rates for individual products, providing flexibility and granular control.
- Country-wise shipping pricing: Add different shipping prices for a particular product based on countries, states, or pin codes, ensuring a more accurate calculation.
- Total shipping charge display: Display the total shipping charge for each product on the checkout page for transparency and convenience.
- Admin and seller panel control: Both the administrator and sellers can configure shipping rates from their respective panels.
- Bulk shipping options: Users can upload CSV files for bulk shipping setup, reducing manual labor.
Design and Usability
The plugin’s UI is simple and easy to navigate, making it straightforward for users to set up and configure shipping options. The visuals are clean and modern, ensuring a cohesive look for your WooCommerce store.
Performance and Integration
With the Marketplace Per Product Shipping Plugin for WooCommerce, the plugin has a seamless integration with the existing WooCommerce marketplace. Performance is robust and reliable, without any major issues reported by users.
Webkul’s customer support is active and responsive. The community is helpful, and queries are usually answered promptly, ensuring any technical issues or concerns are resolved effectively.
With a solid 4.5 out of 5 stars score, the Marketplace Per Product Shipping Plugin for WooCommerce proves to be an excellent investment for online stores seeking improved shipping flexibility. Its flexibility, usability, and integrations with other Webkul plugins make it an outstanding choice for administrators and sellers alike.
If you’re looking to improve your customers’ checkout experience and require more granular control over shipping options, this plugin is a fantastic addition to your WooCommerce toolkit. Give it a try and take your online marketplace to the next level!
Price: Not applicable (previously $45)
Rating: 4.5/5
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Introduction to the Marketplace Per Product Shipping Plugin for WooCommerce
As an e-commerce store owner, managing shipping options for your online store can be a complex and time-consuming task, especially when dealing with multiple sellers and products. The Marketplace Per Product Shipping Plugin for WooCommerce is designed to simplify this process by allowing you to set custom shipping rates for each product and seller in your marketplace. This plugin is perfect for multi-vendor marketplaces, where you need to manage shipping rates for multiple sellers and products.
In this tutorial, we will guide you through the steps of setting up and using the Marketplace Per Product Shipping Plugin for WooCommerce. We will cover the plugin's key features, configuration options, and how to use it to set custom shipping rates for your products and sellers.
Setting up the Marketplace Per Product Shipping Plugin for WooCommerce
To start using the plugin, follow these steps:
- Install the plugin: Go to your WordPress dashboard, click on "Plugins" and then "Add New". Search for "Marketplace Per Product Shipping" and click "Install Now" to install the plugin.
- Activate the plugin: Once installed, activate the plugin by clicking the "Activate" button.
- Configure the plugin settings: Go to "WooCommerce" > "Settings" > "Marketplace Per Product Shipping" and configure the plugin settings. You can set the base shipping rate, shipping cost, and shipping zones.
- Set shipping rates for products: Go to "WooCommerce" > "Products" and click on the product you want to set shipping rates for. Click on the "Shipping" tab and set the shipping rate for that product.
- Set shipping rates for sellers: Go to "WooCommerce" > "Sellers" and click on the seller you want to set shipping rates for. Click on the "Shipping" tab and set the shipping rate for that seller.
Key Features of the Marketplace Per Product Shipping Plugin
- Per product shipping rates: Set custom shipping rates for each product, allowing you to charge different rates for different products.
- Per seller shipping rates: Set custom shipping rates for each seller, allowing you to charge different rates for different sellers.
- Shipping zones: Set shipping rates for specific shipping zones, such as country, state, or zip code.
- Base shipping rate: Set a base shipping rate that will be applied to all products and sellers.
- Shipping cost: Set the shipping cost, which will be added to the shipping rate.
Using the Marketplace Per Product Shipping Plugin
Now that you have set up and configured the plugin, here's how to use it:
- Customer views shipping rates: When a customer adds a product to their cart, they will see the shipping rate for that product.
- Admin views shipping rates: As an administrator, you can view the shipping rates for each product and seller in the WooCommerce dashboard.
- Shipping options: Customers can select from available shipping options, such as free shipping, express shipping, or standard shipping.
- Shipping estimates: The plugin will estimate the shipping cost based on the shipping rate and shipping cost set for the product and seller.
Troubleshooting Common Issues
- Error messages: If you encounter any error messages, check the plugin settings and make sure they are correct.
- Shipping rates not updating: Check the product and seller settings to make sure the shipping rates are set correctly.
- Shipping options not showing: Check the shipping options settings to make sure the options are set correctly.
By following this tutorial, you should now have a good understanding of how to use the Marketplace Per Product Shipping Plugin for WooCommerce to set custom shipping rates for your products and sellers. If you have any further questions or issues, please don't hesitate to ask.
General Settings
Under "Marketplace Per Product Shipping" settings, you can configure the plugin's general behavior. Set the "Enable Marketplace Per Product Shipping" toggle to "Yes" to enable the plugin.
Product Shipping Profiles
To create a shipping profile for a specific product, go to "WooCommerce" > "Products" and click on the "Edit" button for the desired product. Scroll down to the "Marketplace Per Product Shipping" section and click on the "Add Shipping Profile" button. Fill in the required fields, such as "Profile Name", "Shipping Zone", "Shipping Method", and "Shipping Cost".
Shipping Zones
Under "Marketplace Per Product Shipping" settings, click on the "Shipping Zones" tab. Here, you can create and manage shipping zones. Each shipping zone corresponds to a specific geographic area. To add a new shipping zone, click the "Add New Shipping Zone" button and fill in the required fields, such as "Zone Name" and "Zone Description".
Shipping Methods
Under "Marketplace Per Product Shipping" settings, click on the "Shipping Methods" tab. Here, you can create and manage shipping methods. Each shipping method corresponds to a specific shipping carrier or service. To add a new shipping method, click the "Add New Shipping Method" button and fill in the required fields, such as "Method Name" and "Method Description".
Calculated Shipping Rates
Under "Marketplace Per Product Shipping" settings, click on the "Calculated Shipping Rates" tab. Here, you can configure the plugin's calculated shipping rate settings. Set the "Enable Calculated Shipping Rates" toggle to "Yes" to enable the plugin's calculated shipping rate feature.
Weight and Dimensions
Under "Marketplace Per Product Shipping" settings, click on the "Weight and Dimensions" tab. Here, you can configure the plugin's weight and dimensions settings. Set the "Use Product Weight" toggle to "Yes" to use the product's weight for shipping calculations.
Here are the features of the Marketplace Per Product Shipping Plugin for WooCommerce:
- Countries are configurable: Both the admin and the seller can configure the countries for which the shipping will be applicable.
- Shipping Title is visible: The shipping title is visible to customers on the checkout page, and the admin can add it.
- Enable Per Product Shipping: Enable per product shipping for each individual product of the admin and the sellers.
- Add different shipping prices: Add different shipping prices for a particular product for different countries, states, and pin codes.
- Shipping price displays: The shipping price displays the total shipping charges of each product on the checkout page.
- Shipping title is set: The shipping title is set by the admin for the shipping method.
- Bulk shipping options: The admin and the seller can add bulk shipping options via the upload file feature.
- Compatibility with WC 8.6 HPOS: The plugin is now compatible with WooCommerce's High-Performance Order Storage (HPOS) feature.
- Countries suggestion dropdown list: A countries suggestion dropdown list is available for easy selection.
- Sample CSV download link: A sample CSV download link is available for easy import.
- Compatibility with Marketplace 5.2.X: The plugin is compatible with Marketplace 5.2.X.
- Mass upload feature: The plugin has a mass upload feature for easy import.
- Compatibility with Marketplace 4.9.3: The plugin is compatible with Marketplace 4.9.3.
- Allow admin to view seller shipping rate: The admin can view the seller's shipping rate.
- Compatibility with WooCommerce 3.9.0: The plugin is compatible with WooCommerce 3.9.0.
- Translation support: The plugin has translation support.
- Fixed the flow of shipping: The plugin has fixed the flow of shipping.
- Compatibility with new version of marketplace: The plugin is compatible with the new version of the marketplace.
- Added feature for admin to add shipping on products: The admin can add shipping on products.
- Added validations: The plugin has added validations.
- Fixed security issues: The plugin has fixed security issues.
Note that these features may not be exhaustive, and the plugin may have additional features not listed here.
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