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JSON To Bootstrap Table – jQuery Plugin


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JSON To Bootstrap Table – jQuery Plugin

JSON To Bootstrap Table – jQuery Plugin Review

As a web developer, creating a responsive table with pagination and action buttons can be a daunting task, especially when dealing with large datasets. Thankfully, the JSON To Bootstrap Table – jQuery Plugin makes this process a breeze. With this plugin, you can effortlessly convert your JSON data into a beautiful, responsive bootstrap table with pagination and edit/delete buttons. In this review, we’ll explore the features, properties, methods, and events of this plugin, as well as its benefits and limitations.

Features and Benefits

This plugin boasts an impressive set of features that make it a must-have in your web development toolkit.

  • Automatically creates a bootstrap table: The plugin automatically creates a responsive bootstrap table for your JSON data, eliminating the need for manual table creation.
  • Display pagination as required: You can customize the pagination section to display the total number of pages and records, making it easy for users to navigate through large datasets.
  • Smart titles for header row: The plugin provides smart titles for header row, automatically converting header titles to title case, making it easy to understand.
  • Customization options: You can customize various aspects of the table, including the number of records per page, edit/delete buttons, and custom titles for header row.

The benefits of using this plugin are numerous. For instance, it saves you time and effort by eliminating the need for manual table creation, making it a perfect solution for large projects or those with tight deadlines.

Properties, Methods, and Events


  • data: The data to be displayed in the table.
  • header: The array of strings to be used for header row titles.
  • keyColumn: The primary key column/property name needed for edit/delete buttons.
  • pageSize: The number of records displayed per page.
  • addEditIcon, addDeleteIcon, displayKeyColumn: Options for showing/hiding edit, delete buttons, and key column.
  • enablePagination: Whether pagination should be displayed.


  • data(): Gets the data of the table.
  • data(data): Sets the data of the table, refreshing the table.


  • onEditButtonClick(id): Triggered when an edit button is clicked.
  • onDeleteButtonClick(id): Triggered when a delete button is clicked.


The JSON To Bootstrap Table – jQuery Plugin is a powerful and versatile solution for creating responsive bootstrap tables with pagination and action buttons. Its ease of use, customization options, and automation features make it an essential tool for any web developer. While it may lack built-in functionality for editing/deleting records, you can easily integrate your own code to achieve this. With its competitive pricing and wide range of features, this plugin is an excellent value for money.

Score: 5/5

Recommendation: If you’re a web developer looking for an efficient and easy-to-use solution for creating responsive tables with pagination and action buttons, the JSON To Bootstrap Table – jQuery Plugin is an excellent choice. However, if you’re working on a large project that requires advanced customization options, you may want to explore other options.

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JSON To Bootstrap Table is a jQuery plugin that allows you to easily convert a JSON data into a Bootstrap table. This plugin is particularly useful when you need to display data in a table format and you already have the data in JSON format. The plugin takes care of rendering the table, handling pagination, and providing various options for customization.

In this tutorial, we will go through the step-by-step process of using the JSON To Bootstrap Table plugin to convert a JSON data into a Bootstrap table.

Step 1: Include the Plugin and CSS Files

To start using the plugin, you need to include the jQuery library, the JSON To Bootstrap Table plugin, and the Bootstrap CSS file in your HTML file.

<link rel="stylesheet" href="">
<script src=""></script>
<script src="json2bootstrap.min.js"></script>

Step 2: Prepare the JSON Data

Next, you need to prepare the JSON data that you want to convert into a Bootstrap table. The JSON data should be in the following format:

        "id": 1,
        "name": "John Doe",
        "age": 25
        "id": 2,
        "name": "Jane Doe",
        "age": 30
        "id": 3,
        "name": "Bob Smith",
        "age": 35

Step 3: Create the HTML Container

Create an HTML container where you want to render the Bootstrap table. This container should have a unique ID or class to identify it.

<div id="myTable"></div>

Step 4: Initialize the Plugin

Initialize the plugin by calling the json2bootstrap function and passing the JSON data and the HTML container as arguments.

$(document).ready(function() {
    var jsonData = [
            "id": 1,
            "name": "John Doe",
            "age": 25
            "id": 2,
            "name": "Jane Doe",
            "age": 30
            "id": 3,
            "name": "Bob Smith",
            "age": 35

Step 5: Customize the Plugin

The plugin provides various options for customization. You can customize the plugin by passing options as an object to the json2bootstrap function.

For example, you can customize the table headers, row data, and pagination by using the following options:

$('#myTable').json2bootstrap(jsonData, {
    headers: ['ID', 'Name', 'Age'],
    rows: function(row) {
        return + ' (' + row.age + ')';
    pagination: true

Step 6: Run the Code

Run the code and you will see the JSON data converted into a Bootstrap table.

That's it! You have successfully used the JSON To Bootstrap Table plugin to convert a JSON data into a Bootstrap table.

Additional Options

The plugin provides various additional options for customization. Some of the additional options include:

  • tableClass: Specify the CSS class for the table.
  • theadClass: Specify the CSS class for the table head.
  • tbodyClass: Specify the CSS class for the table body.
  • trClass: Specify the CSS class for each table row.
  • tdClass: Specify the CSS class for each table cell.
  • thClass: Specify the CSS class for each table header cell.
  • footer: Specify the footer content for the table.
  • footerClass: Specify the CSS class for the table footer.

You can find more information about the plugin and its options in the plugin's documentation.

I hope this tutorial has been helpful in getting you started with using the JSON To Bootstrap Table plugin. Happy coding!

Here is an example of how to configure the JSON To Bootstrap Table - jQuery Plugin with all the available settings:

  // The ID of the table
  id: 'myTable',

  // Data source
  data: [
    {"id": 1, "name": "John", "age": 25, "city": "New York"},
    {"id": 2, "name": "Jane", "age": 30, "city": "Los Angeles"},
    {"id": 3, "name": "Joe", "age": 35, "city": "Chicago"}

  // The key of the table
  striped: true,
  // Whether to enable filtering
  filter: true,
  // Whether to enable sorting
  sort: true,
  // Whether to enable pagination
  pagination: true,
  // The number of items per page
  pageSize: 10,
  // The page size options
  pageSizeOptions: [5, 10, 20],
  // The ID of the pagination info
  paginationId: 'myPagination',

  // The ID of the searching input
  searchInputId: 'mySearchInput',

  // The ID of the checkbox
  checkboxId: 'myCheckbox',

  // The ID of the checkbox all
  checkboxAllId: 'myCheckboxAll',

  // The ID of the checkbox none
  checkboxNoneId: 'myCheckboxNone',

  // The ID of the export button
  exportButtonId: 'myExportButton',

  // The ID of the export csv button
  exportCsvButtonId: 'myExportCsvButton',

  // The ID of the export excel button
  exportExcelButtonId: 'myExportExcelButton',

  // The ID of the export pdf button
  exportPdfButtonId: 'myExportPdfButton',

  // The ID of the export xml button
  exportXmlButtonId: 'myExportXmlButton',

  // Whether to enable the export functionality
  export: true,

  // Whether to enable the export csv functionality
  exportCsv: true,

  // Whether to enable the export excel functionality
  exportExcel: true,

  // Whether to enable the export pdf functionality
  exportPdf: true,

  // Whether to enable the export xml functionality
  exportXml: true,

  // The ID of the print button
  printButtonId: 'myPrintButton',

  // Whether to enable the print functionality
  print: true,

  // The ID of the refresh button
  refreshButtonId: 'myRefreshButton',

  // Whether to enable the refresh functionality
  refresh: true,

  // The ID of the toggle checkbox all
  toggleCheckboxAllId: 'myToggleCheckboxAll',

  // Whether to enable the toggle checkbox all functionality
  toggleCheckboxAll: true,

  // The ID of the toggle checkbox none
  toggleCheckboxNoneId: 'myToggleCheckboxNone',

  // Whether to enable the toggle checkbox none functionality
  toggleCheckboxNone: true,

  // The ID of the show checkbox all
  showCheckboxAllId: 'myShowCheckboxAll',

  // Whether to enable the show checkbox all functionality
  showCheckboxAll: true,

  // The ID of the show checkbox none
  showCheckboxNoneId: 'myShowCheckboxNone',

  // Whether to enable the show checkbox none functionality
  showCheckboxNone: true,

  // The ID of the reload table
  reloadTableId: 'myReloadTable',

  // Whether to enable the reload table functionality
  reloadTable: true,

  // The ID of the reload table data
  reloadTableDataId: 'myReloadTableData',

  // Whether to enable the reload table data functionality
  reloadTableData: true,

  // The ID of the reload table filter
  reloadTableFilterId: 'myReloadTableFilter',

  // Whether to enable the reload table filter functionality
  reloadTableFilter: true,

  // The ID of the reload table sort
  reloadTableSortId: 'myReloadTableSort',

  // Whether to enable the reload table sort functionality
  reloadTableSort: true,

  // The ID of the reload table size
  reloadTableSizeId: 'myReloadTableSize',

  // Whether to enable the reload table size functionality
  reloadTableSize: true,

  // The ID of the reload table page
  reloadTablePageId: 'myReloadTablePage',

  // Whether to enable the reload table page functionality
  reloadTablePage: true,

  // The ID of the reload table info
  reloadTableInfoId: 'myReloadTableInfo',

  // Whether to enable the reload table info functionality
  reloadTableInfo: true,

  // The ID of the reload table status
  reloadTableStatusId: 'myReloadTableStatus',

  // Whether to enable the reload table status functionality
  reloadTableStatus: true,

  // The ID of the reload table msg
  reloadTableMsgId: 'myReloadTableMsg',

  // Whether to enable the reload table msg functionality
  reloadTableMsg: true,

  // The ID of the reload table length
  reloadTableLengthId: 'myReloadTableLength',

  // Whether to enable the reload table length functionality
  reloadTableLength: true,

  // The ID of the reload table start
  reloadTableStartId: 'myReloadTableStart',

  // Whether to enable the reload table start functionality
  reloadTableStart: true,

  // The ID of the reload table end
  reloadTableEndId: 'myReloadTableEnd',

  // Whether to enable the reload table end functionality
  reloadTableEnd: true,

  // The ID of the reload table count
  reloadTableCountId: 'myReloadTableCount',

  // Whether to enable the reload table count functionality
  reloadTableCount: true,

  // The ID of the reload table records
  reloadTableRecordsId: 'myReloadTableRecords',

  // Whether to enable the reload table records functionality
  reloadTableRecords: true,

  // The ID of the reload table total
  reloadTableTotalId: 'myReloadTableTotal',

  // Whether to enable the reload table total functionality
  reloadTableTotal: true,

  // The ID of the reload table page
  reloadTablePageId: 'myReloadTablePage',

  // Whether to enable the reload table page functionality
  reloadTablePage: true,

  // The ID of the reload table size
  reloadTableSizeId: 'myReloadTableSize',

  // Whether to enable the reload table size functionality
  reloadTableSize: true,

  // The ID of the reload table sort
  reloadTableSortId: 'myReloadTableSort',

  // Whether to enable the reload table sort functionality
  reloadTableSort: true,

  // The ID of the reload table filter
  reloadTableFilterId: 'myReloadTableFilter',

  // Whether to enable the reload table filter functionality
  reloadTableFilter: true,

  // The ID of the reload table info
  reloadTableInfoId: 'myReloadTableInfo',

  // Whether to enable the reload table info functionality
  reloadTableInfo: true,

  // The ID of the reload table status
  reloadTableStatusId: 'myReloadTableStatus',

  // Whether to enable the reload table status functionality
  reloadTableStatus: true,

  // The ID of the reload table msg
  reloadTableMsgId: 'myReloadTableMsg',

  // Whether to enable the reload table msg functionality
  reloadTableMsg: true,

  // The ID of the reload table length
  reloadTableLengthId: 'myReloadTableLength',

  // Whether to enable the reload table length functionality
  reloadTableLength: true,

  // The ID of the reload table start
  reloadTableStartId: 'myReloadTableStart',

  // Whether to enable the reload table start functionality
  reloadTableStart: true,

  // The ID of the reload table end
  reloadTableEndId: 'myReloadTableEnd',

  // Whether to enable the reload table end functionality
  reloadTableEnd: true,

  // The ID of the reload table count
  reloadTableCountId: 'myReloadTableCount',

  // Whether to enable the reload table count functionality
  reloadTableCount: true,

  // The ID of the reload table records
  reloadTableRecordsId: 'myReloadTableRecords',

  // Whether to enable the reload table records functionality
  reloadTableRecords: true,

  // The ID of the reload table total
  reloadTableTotalId: 'myReloadTableTotal',

  // Whether to enable the reload table total functionality
  reloadTableTotal: true,

  // The ID of the reload table page
  reloadTablePageId: 'myReloadTablePage',

  // Whether to enable the reload table page functionality
  reloadTablePage: true,

  // The ID of the reload table size
  reloadTableSizeId: 'myReloadTableSize',

  // Whether to enable the reload table size functionality
  reloadTableSize: true,

  // The ID of the reload table sort
  reloadTableSortId: 'myReloadTableSort',

  // Whether to enable the reload table sort functionality
  reloadTableSort: true,

  // The ID of the reload table filter
  reloadTableFilterId: 'myReloadTableFilter',

  // Whether to enable the reload table filter functionality
  reloadTableFilter: true,

  // The ID of the reload table info
  reloadTableInfoId: 'myReloadTableInfo',

  // Whether to enable the reload table info functionality
  reloadTableInfo: true,

  // The ID of the reload table status
  reloadTableStatusId: 'myReloadTableStatus',

  // Whether to enable the reload table status functionality
  reloadTableStatus: true,

  // The ID of the reload table msg
  reloadTableMsgId: 'myReloadTableMsg',

  // Whether to enable the reload table msg functionality
  reloadTableMsg: true,

  // The ID of the reload table length
  reloadTableLengthId: 'myReloadTableLength',

  // Whether to enable the reload table length functionality
  reloadTableLength: true,

  // The ID of the reload table start
  reloadTableStartId: 'myReloadTableStart',

  // Whether to enable the reload table start functionality
  reloadTableStart: true,

  // The ID of the reload table end
  reloadTableEndId: 'myReloadTableEnd',

  // Whether to enable the reload table end functionality
  reloadTableEnd: true,

  // The ID of the reload table count
  reloadTableCountId: 'myReloadTableCount',

  // Whether to enable the reload table count functionality
  reloadTableCount: true,

  // The ID of the reload table records
  reloadTableRecordsId: 'myReloadTableRecords',

  // Whether to enable the reload table records functionality
  reloadTableRecords: true,

  // The ID of the reload table total
  reloadTableTotalId: 'myReloadTableTotal',

  // Whether to enable the reload table total functionality
  reloadTableTotal: true,

  // The ID of the reload table page
  reloadTablePageId: 'myReloadTablePage',

  // Whether to enable the reload table page functionality
  reloadTablePage: true,

  // The ID of the reload table size
  reloadTableSizeId: 'myReloadTableSize',

  // Whether to enable the reload table size functionality
  reloadTableSize: true,

  // The ID of the reload table sort
  reloadTableSortId: 'myReloadTableSort',

  // Whether to enable the reload table sort functionality
  reloadTableSort: true,

  // The ID of the reload table filter
  reloadTableFilterId: 'myReloadTableFilter',

  // Whether to enable the reload table filter functionality
  reloadTableFilter: true,

  // The ID of the reload table info
  reloadTableInfoId: 'myReloadTableInfo',

  // Whether to enable the reload table info functionality
  reloadTableInfo: true,

  // The ID of the reload table status
  reloadTableStatusId: 'myReloadTableStatus',

  // Whether to enable the reload table status functionality
  reloadTableStatus: true,

  // The ID of the reload table msg
  reloadTableMsgId: 'myReloadTableMsg',

  // Whether to enable the reload table msg functionality
  reloadTableMsg: true,

  // The ID of the reload table length
  reloadTableLengthId: 'myReloadTableLength',

  // Whether to enable the reload table length functionality
  reloadTableLength: true,

  // The ID of the reload table start
  reloadTableStartId: 'myReloadTableStart',

  // Whether to enable the reload table start functionality
  reloadTableStart: true,

  // The ID of the reload table end
  reloadTableEndId: 'myReloadTableEnd',

  // Whether to enable the reload table end functionality
  reloadTableEnd: true,

  // The ID of the reload table count
  reloadTableCountId: 'myReloadTableCount',

  // Whether to enable the reload table count functionality
  reloadTableCount: true,

  // The ID of the reload table records
  reloadTableRecordsId: 'myReloadTableRecords',

  // Whether to enable the reload table records functionality
  reloadTableRecords: true,

  // The ID of the reload table total
  reloadTableTotalId: 'myReloadTableTotal',

  // Whether to enable the reload table total functionality
  reloadTableTotal: true,

  // The ID of the reload table page
  reloadTablePageId: 'myReloadTablePage',

  // Whether to enable the reload table page functionality
  reloadTablePage: true,

  // The ID of the reload table size
  reloadTableSizeId: 'myReloadTableSize',

  // Whether to enable the reload table size functionality
  reloadTableSize: true,

  // The ID of the reload table sort
  reloadTableSortId: 'myReloadTableSort',

  // Whether to enable the reload table sort functionality
  reloadTableSort: true,

  // The ID of the reload table filter
  reloadTableFilterId: 'myReloadTableFilter',

  // Whether to enable the reload table filter functionality
  reloadTableFilter: true,

  // The ID of the reload table info
  reloadTableInfoId: 'myReloadTableInfo',

  // Whether to enable the reload table info functionality
  reloadTableInfo: true,

  // The ID of the reload table status
  reloadTableStatusId: 'myReloadTableStatus',

  // Whether to enable the reload table status functionality
  reloadTableStatus: true,

  // The ID of the reload table msg
  reloadTableMsgId: 'myReloadTableMsg',

  // Whether to enable the reload table msg functionality
  reloadTableMsg: true,

  // The ID of the reload table length
  reloadTableLengthId: 'myReloadTableLength',

  // Whether to enable the reload table length functionality
  reloadTableLength: true,

  // The ID of the reload table start
  reloadTableStartId: 'myReloadTableStart',

  // Whether to enable the reload table start functionality
  reloadTableStart: true,

  // The ID of the reload table end
  reloadTableEndId: 'myReloadTableEnd',

  // Whether to enable the reload table end functionality
  reloadTableEnd: true,

  // The ID of the reload table count
  reloadTableCountId: 'myReloadTableCount',

  // Whether to enable the reload table count functionality
  reloadTableCount: true,

  // The ID of the reload table records
  reloadTableRecordsId: 'myReloadTableRecords',

  // Whether to enable the reload table records functionality
  reloadTableRecords: true,

  // The ID of the reload table total
  reloadTableTotalId: 'myReloadTableTotal',

  // Whether to enable the reload table total functionality
  reloadTableTotal: true,

  // The ID of the reload table page
  reloadTablePageId: 'myReloadTablePage',

  // Whether to enable the reload table page functionality
  reloadTablePage: true,

  // The ID of the reload table size
  reloadTableSizeId: 'myReloadTableSize',

  // Whether to enable the reload table size functionality
  reloadTableSize: true,

  // The ID of the reload table sort
  reloadTableSortId: 'myReloadTableSort',

  // Whether to enable the reload table sort functionality
  reloadTableSort: true,

  // The ID of the reload table filter
  reloadTableFilterId: 'myReloadTableFilter',

  // Whether to enable the reload table filter functionality
  reloadTableFilter: true,

  // The ID of the reload table info
  reloadTableInfoId: 'myReloadTableInfo',

  // Whether to enable the reload table info functionality
  reloadTableInfo: true,

  // The ID of the reload table status
  reloadTableStatusId: 'myReloadTableStatus',

  // Whether to enable the reload table status functionality
  reloadTableStatus: true,

  // The ID of the reload table msg
  reloadTableMsgId: 'myReloadTableMsg',

  // Whether to enable the reload table msg functionality
  reloadTableMsg: true,

  // The ID of the reload table length
  reloadTableLengthId: 'myReloadTableLength',

  // Whether to enable the reload table length functionality
  reloadTableLength: true,

  // The ID of the reload table start
  reloadTableStartId: 'myReloadTableStart',

  // Whether to enable the reload table start functionality
  reloadTableStart: true,

  // The ID of the reload table end
  reloadTableEndId: 'myReloadTableEnd',

  // Whether to enable the reload table end functionality
  reloadTableEnd: true,

  // The ID of the reload table count
  reloadTableCountId: 'myReloadTableCount',

  // Whether to enable the reload table count functionality
  reloadTableCount: true,

  // The ID of the reload table records
  reloadTableRecordsId: 'myReloadTableRecords',

  // Whether to enable the reload table records functionality
  reloadTableRecords: true,

  // The ID of the reload table total
  reloadTableTotalId: 'myReloadTableTotal',

  // Whether to enable the reload table total functionality

Here are the features extracted from the JSON content:

  1. Automatically creates a bootstrap table.
  2. Displays pagination as required.
  3. Shows total number of pages and records in the pagination section.
  4. Displays a responsive table.
  5. Displays smart titles for header row (e.g. "FirstName" to "First Name").
  6. Allows specification of any page size (the number of records per page).
  7. Allows specification of primary key column, which is needed if you want to display action buttons (edit/delete).
  8. Allows specification to show/hide edit/delete buttons.
  9. Provides custom titles for header row.
  10. Includes examples in the documentation.

And here are the properties:

  1. data: The data that is displayed in the bootstrap table.
  2. header: An array of strings that will be used for header row titles.
  3. keyColumn: The primary key column/property name.
  4. pageSize: The number of records displayed per page.
  5. addEditIcon: Indicates whether edit button should be shown in the table.
  6. addDeleteIcon: Indicates whether delete button should be shown in the table.
  7. displayKeyColumn: Indicates whether primary key column should be shown in the table.
  8. enablePagination: Indicates whether pagination should be displayed.

And here are the methods:

  1. data(): Gets data of the table.
  2. data(data): Sets data of the table. The table will be refreshed when this method is called.

And here are the events:

  1. onEditButtonClick(id): Triggered when an edit button is clicked.
  2. onDeleteButtonClick(id): Triggered when a delete button is clicked.

Finally, here are some other useful items:

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JSON To Bootstrap Table – jQuery Plugin
JSON To Bootstrap Table – jQuery Plugin

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