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Nilam – Domain For Sell and Auction React, Nextjs, TypeScript & Tailwind Template


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Nilam – Domain For Sell and Auction React, Nextjs, TypeScript & Tailwind Template

Title: Nilam – Domain For Sell and Auction React, Nextjs, TypeScript & Tailwind Template Review

Introduction: In the ever-evolving world of web development, finding a reliable and high-quality template can be a daunting task. As a developer, you’re constantly on the lookout for solutions that can help you speed up your project timeline, without compromising on quality and functionality. In this review, we’ll be examining Nilam – Domain For Sell and Auction React, Nextjs, TypeScript & Tailwind Template, and sharing our thoughts on its features, pros, and cons.

Score: 0/10 (Due to the lack of any actual user reviews, I’ll start with a neutral score)


  • Nilam is a professionally designed and minimal-looking template, ideal for creating a clean and modern website for domain sales and auctions.
  • It’s built with React, Nextjs, TypeScript, and Tailwind CSS, making it a robust and scalable solution.
  • The template comes with six unique layouts, offering a ton of customization options and flexibility.
  • The contact forms are dynamic, with real-time validation and Toastify confirmation, ensuring a smooth user experience.
  • Responsive design makes it compatible with all devices, ensuring seamless functionality across various platforms.


  • Unfortunately, there are no actual user reviews or feedback available to provide insight into the template’s performance, support, or potential bugs.
  • The template doesn’t include any images for the preview purposes, which may make it difficult to gauge the overall aesthetic of the website.
  • While the template is built with modern technologies, it lacks a comprehensive documentation file or tutorial to help users understand how to set it up and customize it.

Conclusion: Nilam – Domain For Sell and Auction React, Nextjs, TypeScript & Tailwind Template is a solid foundation for building a professional-looking website for domain sales and auctions. However, the lack of user reviews and minimal documentation make it difficult to fully assess its potential and functionality. As a neutral reviewer, I’d encourage developers to try out this template and share their experiences to help others make a more informed decision.

Recommendation: If you’re looking for a solid foundation for your domain sale or auction website, Nilam is definitely worth exploring. However, be sure to reach out to the developers for any questions or concerns, and consider taking the time to create a comprehensive review or tutorial to help others understand the template’s full potential.

Note: As the reviewer, I’ll be keeping a close eye on Nilam’s performance and user reviews to adjust the score and provide more accurate feedback.

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Welcome to the Nilam - Domain For Sell and Auction React, Nextjs, TypeScript & Tailwind Template tutorial! In this comprehensive guide, we will walk you through the steps to set up and use the Nilam template, a powerful and versatile domain for sell and auction platform built with React, Next.js, TypeScript, and Tailwind CSS.

The Nilam template is designed to provide a scalable and customizable solution for your domain for sell and auction needs. With its intuitive interface and robust features, you can easily create and manage your own domain marketplace, auctioning off domain names to the highest bidder.

In this tutorial, we will cover the following topics:

  1. Setting up the Nilam template
  2. Understanding the template structure and files
  3. Configuring the template
  4. Creating and managing domain listings
  5. Managing auctions and bidding
  6. Customizing the template to fit your needs

Step 1: Setting up the Nilam template

To start using the Nilam template, you will need to set it up on your local machine. Here's how to do it:

  1. Clone the Nilam template repository from GitHub using the following command:

    git clone

    Replace your-username with your actual GitHub username.

  2. Change into the cloned directory using the following command:
    cd nilam-template
  3. Install the required dependencies by running the following command:
    npm install
  4. Create a new file called next.config.js and add the following code to it:
    module.exports = {
    target: 'serverless',
    // Add your Next.js configuration here
  5. Run the following command to start the development server:
    npm run dev

    This will start the Next.js development server, and you can now access the template by navigating to http://localhost:3000 in your web browser.

Step 2: Understanding the template structure and files

The Nilam template is structured into several folders and files, each with its own purpose. Here's a brief overview of the main files and folders:

  • components/: This folder contains reusable React components used throughout the template.
  • pages/: This folder contains the main pages of the template, including the index page, domain listing page, and auction page.
  • public/: This folder contains static files that are served directly by the web server.
  • styles/: This folder contains the Tailwind CSS configuration file and utility classes.
  • tsconfig.json: This file contains the TypeScript configuration.
  • next.config.js: This file contains the Next.js configuration.

Take some time to explore the template structure and files, and familiarize yourself with the different components and configuration files.

Step 3: Configuring the template

Before you start using the template, you'll need to configure it to fit your needs. Here's how to do it:

  1. Edit the next.config.js file and add the following code to it:

    module.exports = {
    target: 'serverless',
    // Add your Next.js configuration here
    // Set the domain name for sell and auction
    domainName: '',
    // Set the auction duration (in seconds)
    auctionDuration: 3600,
    // Set the minimum bid amount
    minBidAmount: 100,

    Replace with your actual domain name.

  2. Edit the tsconfig.json file and add the following code to it:
    "compilerOptions": {
    // Add your TypeScript configuration here
    // Set the target JavaScript version
    "target": "es6",
    // Set the module system
    "module": "commonjs",

    Step 4: Creating and managing domain listings

To create a new domain listing, follow these steps:

  1. Navigate to the pages/domainListing.js file and create a new function called createDomainListing that takes the following parameters:
    function createDomainListing(domainName: string, description: string, price: number) {
    // Create a new domain listing
    // Add your logic here to create the domain listing
  2. Call the createDomainListing function from the pages/index.js file when the user clicks the "Create Domain Listing" button:
    import createDomainListing from '../domainListing';

const IndexPage = () => { const [domainName, setDomainName] = useState(''); const [description, setDescription] = useState(''); const [price, setPrice] = useState(0);

const handleCreateDomainListing = async () => { createDomainListing(domainName, description, price); };

return (

setDomainName(} placeholder="Domain name" />