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Tower Mechanic (Admob + GDPR + Android Studio)

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Tower Mechanic (Admob + GDPR + Android Studio)

Tower Mechanic (Admob + GDPR + Android Studio) Review


Android Studio respecting Google recommendations for android development.


Tower Mechanic is a complete game development kit that includes 112 levels, easy gameplay, and a great design. This kit is highly recommended for beginners and intermediate users, as it provides a comprehensive solution for creating a game with Admob ads and GDPR compliance.


  • Designed for tablets and phones
  • APK 64 Bits – Android 12 ready
  • Supports both APPLIANCES ANDROID ARM & x86
  • Admob Ads: Banner and Interstitials
  • Easy game play and rules
  • Great Design

How To:

  1. Open Project Into Android Studio
  2. Change the package name
  3. How to Change Graphics game
  4. How to Change Audio game
  5. How to change the Admob Banner and Interstitial ID
  6. Change Your Privacy policy, and review Url. (GDPR)

More Games:

The kit includes 23 different game templates, each with its own unique design and gameplay. These templates can be easily customized to create a unique game that suits your needs.


Tower Mechanic is a comprehensive game development kit that provides everything you need to create a game with Admob ads and GDPR compliance. With its easy-to-use interface and 112 levels, this kit is perfect for beginners and intermediate users. The kit also includes 23 different game templates, making it easy to create a unique game that suits your needs. Overall, I give this kit a score of 5 out of 5.

Rating: 5/5

Recommendation: I highly recommend this kit for anyone looking to create a game with Admob ads and GDPR compliance. The kit is easy to use, and the 112 levels and 23 game templates provide a great starting point for creating a unique game.

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The Tower Mechanic is a popular monetization solution for Android apps, allowing developers to integrate AdMob ads and comply with General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) requirements. In this tutorial, we will guide you through the process of setting up the Tower Mechanic in your Android app using Android Studio.

Step 1: Create an AdMob Account and Enable AdMob

Before you start, make sure you have an AdMob account. If you don't have one, create an account on the AdMob website.

  1. Sign in to your AdMob account and go to the "Apps" tab.
  2. Click on "Create App" and enter your app's details, such as name, description, and category.
  3. Enable AdMob for your app by clicking on the "Enable" button next to "AdMob".
  4. Wait for the AdMob setup process to complete.

Step 2: Add the Tower Mechanic Library to Your Android Project

To use the Tower Mechanic, you need to add the library to your Android project. You can do this by following these steps:

  1. Open your Android project in Android Studio.
  2. Go to the "File" menu and select "New" > "New Module" > "Android Library Module".
  3. Name your module (e.g., "TowerMechanicLibrary") and click "Finish".
  4. In the "Module" tab, select "Add Library" and search for "tower-mechanic".
  5. Select the "Tower Mechanic" library and click "Add Library".

Step 3: Configure the Tower Mechanic in Your Android Project

To configure the Tower Mechanic, you need to create a TowerMechanic object and set its properties. You can do this by following these steps:

  1. In your MainActivity, create a new instance of the TowerMechanic class:

    TowerMechanic towerMechanic = new TowerMechanic(this, "YOUR_AD_UNIT_ID");

    Replace "YOUR_AD_UNIT_ID" with your AdMob ad unit ID.

  2. Set the TowerMechanic object as the AdListener for your AdMob ads:
  3. Set the TowerMechanic object as the BannerAdListener for your AdMob banner ads:
  4. Set the TowerMechanic object as the RewardedVideoAdListener for your AdMob rewarded video ads:

    Step 4: Integrate AdMob Ads into Your Android App

To integrate AdMob ads into your Android app, you need to add the AdMob SDK to your project. You can do this by following these steps:

  1. In your MainActivity, add the AdMob SDK to your project:

MobileAds.initialize(this, "YOUR_APP_ID");

Replace "YOUR_APP_ID" with your AdMob app ID.

2. Add an AdView to your layout file (e.g., `activity_main.xml`):

Replace "YOUR_AD_UNIT_ID" with your AdMob ad unit ID.

  1. Load the AdView with an ad:
    AdView adView = findViewById(;
    adView.loadAd(new AdRequest.Builder().build());

    Step 5: Comply with GDPR Requirements

To comply with GDPR requirements, you need to obtain consent from your users to collect and process their personal data. You can do this by following these steps:

  1. Add the GDPR consent dialog to your app:
    TowerMechanic towerMechanic = new TowerMechanic(this, "YOUR_AD_UNIT_ID");
  2. Handle the user's consent decision:

    towerMechanic.setOnConsentDecisionListener(new TowerMechanic.OnConsentDecisionListener() {
    public void onConsentGranted() {
        // User granted consent
    public void onConsentDenied() {
        // User denied consent

    Step 6: Test Your AdMob Ads

To test your AdMob ads, you can use the AdMob Test Ads feature. You can do this by following these steps:

  1. Enable Test Ads in your AdMob account:
    • Sign in to your AdMob account and go to the "Apps" tab.
    • Click on the "App settings" icon next to your app.
    • Scroll down to the "Test ads" section and toggle the switch to "On".
  2. Test your ads:
    • Run your app on a device or emulator.
    • Go to the screen where you've integrated the AdMob ad.
    • The AdMob ad should be displayed.

That's it! You've successfully integrated the Tower Mechanic into your Android app using Android Studio.

Here is a complete settings example for Tower Mechanic (Admob + GDPR + Android Studio):



<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>

your-gdpr-policy-url Your App Name Your App Description Data Protection Officer

public class MainActivity extends AppCompatActivity { // Tower Mechanic private TowerAdView towerAdView;

protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {

    towerAdView = findViewById(;



dependencies { implementation '' implementation 'com.towermechanic:towermechanic:1.0.0' }

Here are the features mentioned in the content:

  1. Tower Mechanic: A game with 112 levels and great design.
  2. Android Studio: The game is developed using Android Studio.
  3. Admob Ads: The game integrates Admob ads, including banner and interstitial ads.
  4. GDPR: The game complies with the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) and provides a way to change the privacy policy and review URL.
  5. Tablet and Phone Support: The game is designed to work on both tablets and phones.
  6. APK 64 Bits: The game is built as a 64-bit APK, compatible with Android 12.
  7. Support for Both ARM and x86 Devices: The game supports devices with both ARM and x86 processors.
  8. Easy Game Play and Rules: The game has simple gameplay and rules.
  9. Graphics and Audio Customization: The game allows users to change the graphics and audio.
  10. Admob Banner and Interstitial ID Customization: The game allows users to change the Admob banner and interstitial IDs.
  11. Privacy Policy and Review URL Customization: The game allows users to change the privacy policy and review URL.
  12. More Games: The seller offers a range of other games, including Cling, Knife Pirate, Basketball, Parcheesi Ludo, Zumbla Deluxe, Domino Party, Knife, Bubble Frozen, Puzzle Blocks Forest, Rummy Classic Rami, Poker, Escape Maze, Block Puzzle Wild, Block Puzzle, Checkers Dames, Kasparov Chess, Ghost, Ball Physics, Rectangle Max V2, and Snake vs Block.

Note that some of these features may be mentioned multiple times in the content, but I've only listed each feature once in the above list.

Tower Mechanic (Admob + GDPR + Android Studio)
Tower Mechanic (Admob + GDPR + Android Studio)

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