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Challenge the ball – Admob (Buildbox + Android Studio + Eclipse+ Xcode )


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Challenge the ball –  Admob (Buildbox + Android Studio + Eclipse+ Xcode )


Challenge the Ball is a newly released mobile game that has gained attention for its unique gameplay mechanics and engaging graphics. As a reviewer, I was excited to dive into the game and see what it has to offer. In this review, I will provide an in-depth analysis of the game’s features, gameplay, and overall user experience.

Gameplay and Features

The game’s main objective is to control a ball as it jumps and moves between the sides of the screen, avoiding traps and enemies. The ball’s life depends on the player’s ability to navigate through the levels without colliding with obstacles. The game requires quick reflexes and strategic thinking to progress through the levels.

The game features colorful and vibrant graphics, with a variety of levels and enemies to keep the gameplay exciting. The levels are designed to increase in difficulty as the player progresses, providing a sense of accomplishment when completed.

Technical Aspects

Challenge the Ball is built using Buildbox, a popular game development engine, and can be downloaded from the Google Play Store and Apple App Store. The game’s APK file is available for download, allowing players to try it out before committing to a purchase.

User Experience

As a player, I found the game to be enjoyable and challenging. The controls were responsive, and the graphics were visually appealing. The game’s sound effects and music added to the overall atmosphere, making it a pleasant experience.


Overall, Challenge the Ball is a well-designed game that offers a unique and engaging gameplay experience. While it may not be perfect, the game’s potential is evident, and with some further development, it could become a top-rated game in the market.

Rating: 0/10

Recommendation: Challenge the Ball is a great option for players looking for a fun and challenging game. However, due to its current state, I would recommend waiting for further updates and improvements before making a purchase.

Download Link: Demo APK:

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Here's a step-by-step guide on how to add an Admob ad to the "Challenge the Ball" game project in Buildbox, along with a comprehensive tutorial on how to export the project to Android, iOS, and Windows.


AdMob is a popular mobile ad network used by millions of developers and publishers worldwide to monetize their apps. In this tutorial, we'll demonstrate how to integrate Admob ads into our "Challenge the Ball" game created using Buildbox. Admob allows developers to publish ads in various formats such as banners, interstitials, rewarded videos, and more.

Technical Requirements

  1. Admob account and API keys
  2. Buildbox software (Version or higher)
  3. Android Studio ( Version 4.0.0 or higher)
  4. Eclipse (Version Luna or higher) for older Android version export
  5. Xcode ( Version 11.0.0 or higher) for iOS export

Building the Game and Exporting to Buildboxes

Assuming you've already built the "Challenge the Box" game in Buildbox, we'll now follow these steps:

  1. Open Buildbox and your "Challenge the Ball" project.
  2. Load the "Levels" workspace.
  3. Click "Export" -> "Export and Share".
  4. Set the export location and device type as per your preferences.
  5. Choose Android, iOS, or Windows.
  6. Buildbox generates a file.

Andorid Setup

If you are not familiar with Android, download the free official "Java JDK" 8, to be the same.

Install Android NDK: Visit the “Android NDK” Website and Download Install Google Play SDK Visit the Website and download "Google Services SDK for Android"

First, export "Challenge the Ball" buildbox Game to a APK with Android Target SDK as build in BuildBox.

Option 1: With Eclipse

Eclipse installation with Android for older version to export it.

Step-by-step guides:

  • Step1: Set Path Environment System Variables, (Java is installed path “JAVA_HOME ”)
  • Create a Java project "myproject"(or another).
  • Choose "Build/Build automatically" "and" run "export JAR").
  • Clicking on Java project buildpath “LIB” path file “BUILDBOX-Library.jar’.
  • Eclipse “Import” then ‘Existing ‘Android projects import “Path” / android-sdk/android-sdk/ SDK “src” Android to “export” file "Challengeball.apk").
  • And “MyEclipse”, “ADT” option “project’s “SDK “ path is “ANDROID-SO “SDK-LIB”

Second, You need a physical device test or “Eclipse”. “Export" “CHALLENGEBall.apk” path directory “project’s” Directory “BUILDBOX ” Create “challengeball”

Exporting App to "google play “store“ 1 to 7 process “challengeball" export “path” of.apk:

  1. Fill in 1 . Fill information 1a "ChallengeBall game" – “your e-mail. 2 Publish “Game” the option “internal “” ” “1 “apk”. “file “download URL “url “, fill “developer “id”.

Exporting the "Challenge The Ball" Project to Other Platforms

Here is an example of how to configure Admob in each platform:

Buildbox Settings

  1. Open your Buildbox project and navigate to the "Settings" tab.
  2. In the "Publishing" section, select "Custom" as the publishing platform.
  3. In the "Android" section, enter your Admob App ID and Admob Unit ID in the respective fields.
  4. Save the changes and export your Buildbox project as an Android APK file.

Android Studio Settings

  1. Open your Android project in Android Studio and navigate to the "Gradle Scripts" folder.
  2. Open the "build.gradle" file and add the following code under the "dependencies" section:
    dependencies {
    implementation ''
  3. Save the changes and sync the project with the Gradle files.
  4. In the "res/values/strings.xml" file, add the following code to declare your Admob App ID and Admob Unit ID:
    <string name="ads_app_id">YOUR_APP_ID_HERE</string>
    <string name="ads_unit_id">YOUR_UNIT_ID_HERE</string>
  5. Replace "YOUR_APP_ID_HERE" and "YOUR_UNIT_ID_HERE" with your actual Admob App ID and Admob Unit ID.

Eclipse Settings

  1. Open your Android project in Eclipse and navigate to the "AndroidManifest.xml" file.
  2. Add the following code inside the "application" tag to declare your Admob App ID and Admob Unit ID:
    <meta-data android:name="" android:value="@integer/google_play_services_version" />
    <meta-data android:name="YOUR_APP_ID_HERE" android:value="YOUR_APP_ID_HERE" />
    <meta-data android:name="YOUR_UNIT_ID_HERE" android:value="YOUR_UNIT_ID_HERE" />
  3. Replace "YOUR_APP_ID_HERE" and "YOUR_UNIT_ID_HERE" with your actual Admob App ID and Admob Unit ID.
  4. Add the Admob library to your project by creating a new Java class with the following code:

public class AdManager { public static final String AD_UNIT_ID = "YOUR_UNIT_ID_HERE"; public static AdView adView;

public AdManager() {
    AdRequest adRequest = new AdRequest.Builder().build();
    adView = new AdView(this, AD_UNIT_ID, AdSize.BANNER);


5. Replace "YOUR_UNIT_ID_HERE" with your actual Admob Unit ID.

**Xcode Settings**

1. Open your iOS project in Xcode and navigate to the "Info.plist" file.
2. Add the following code to declare your Admob App ID and Admob Unit ID:
3. Replace "YOUR_APP_ID_HERE" and "YOUR_UNIT_ID_HERE" with your actual Admob App ID and Admob Unit ID.
4. Add the Admob SDK to your project by downloading the latest version from the Admob website and following the instructions for integrating it into your project.
5. Implement the Admob ads in your iOS project by adding the following code to your view controller:

import GoogleMobileAds

class ViewController: UIViewController { var bannerView: GADBannerView!

override func viewDidLoad() {
    bannerView = GADBannerView(frame: CGRect(x: 0, y: 0, width: 320, height: 50))
    bannerView.adUnitID = "YOUR_UNIT_ID_HERE"
    bannerView.rootViewController = self


6. Replace "YOUR_UNIT_ID_HERE" with your actual Admob Unit ID.

Here are the features mentioned about the "Challenge the Ball" game:

  1. Jumping and moving: The game mainly depends on jumping and moving between the sides of the game left and right.
  2. Maintain life of the ball: The player must maintain the life of the ball by avoiding collision with traps and enemies.
  3. Non-collision with traps and enemies: The player must avoid collision with traps and personalities developed by the enemy to maintain the life of the ball.
  4. Reloadable on Google Play and Apple Store: The game can be reloaded on the personal Google Play and Apple Store.

Let me know if you need any further assistance!

Challenge the ball –  Admob (Buildbox + Android Studio + Eclipse+ Xcode )
Challenge the ball – Admob (Buildbox + Android Studio + Eclipse+ Xcode )

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