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Fitness Women Buildbox Project with Admob Review
I recently had the opportunity to review the Fitness Women Buildbox project with Admob, and I must say that it’s an impressive game that’s packed with features and stunning graphics. The game is built using Buildbox 2.3.8, which is a popular game development engine that allows users to create high-quality games without any coding knowledge.
The game comes with a range of impressive features, including:
- Admob integration, which allows for easy monetization of the game
- Best graphics that will surely impress players
- Compatibility with over 12,508 devices, making it a highly accessible game
For Reskin
If you’re interested in reskinning the game or adding more features, the developer is open to collaboration. This is a great opportunity for developers who want to put their own spin on the game or add new elements to make it more engaging.
How to Export
To export the game, you’ll need to follow these simple steps:
- Import the build.gradle file into Android Studio
- Change the package name, app name, icons, and AdMob ID to your own
- Export the project and upload the APK file to the Play Store
Overall, the Fitness Women Buildbox project with Admob is an excellent game that’s ready to be published on the Play Store. With its impressive graphics, Admob integration, and compatibility with a wide range of devices, this game has the potential to attract a large audience. If you’re looking for a game development project that’s easy to export and monetize, this is definitely worth considering.
Rating: 4.5/5 stars
Recommendation: I highly recommend this game to developers who are looking for a high-quality game development project that’s easy to export and monetize. With its impressive features and stunning graphics, this game is sure to attract a large audience and generate significant revenue.
User Reviews
Here's a comprehensive tutorial on using the Fitness Women Buildbox Project with AdMob, including an introduction:
Buildbox is a popular game development tool that allows users to create games without any coding skills. The Fitness Women Buildbox Project is a predesigned game template specifically created for building a mobile fitness game targeting women. With AdMob integration, you can monetize your game by displaying ads from a variety of ad formats.
In this tutorial, we will cover the steps to configure AdMob in the Fitness Women Buildbox Project, place ads in your game, and track your ad earnings. Whether you're a novice or an experienced game developer, this tutorial will help you get started with adding AdMob to your fitness game.
Before we begin, ensure you have the following:
- Buildbox version 3.8 or later installed on your computer.
- An AdMob account ( sign up for free on Google Play Console).
- Your AdMob app ID and ad unit ID available (we'll cover these steps later).
- Familiarity with basic game development concepts and AdMob terminology.
Setting Up AdMob in Your Game
Step 1: Create an AdMob App
- Sign in to your Google Play Console account.
- Click on the "Activate Device" button.
- Fill in the app details, including the "Bundle ID" (make sure it matches your app's bundle ID).
- Click "Create Ad Unit" to create your AdMob app.
Configure AdMob in Your Game
Step 1: Add the AdMob Plugin to Your Game
- Open your Fitness Women Buildbox Project file (
) in Buildbox. - Click on the "Menu" icon ( represented by three horizontal lines).
- Select "Script Editor" from the menu.
- In the Script Editor, click on the "Plugin" icon.
- Search for "AdMob" in the plugin search bar, then click "Install".
Step 2: Add AdMob Code
- In the AdMob plugin settings, input your AdMob app ID in the "App ID" field.
- Under the "Ad Unit IDs" section, add a new ad unit ID.
- In the script editor, find the section starting with "Admob code".
- Delete any existing code and copy-paste the following sample code:
public var admobAppId string = "YOUR_AD_MOB_APP_ID_HERE" public var admobRewardAdId string = "YOUR_AD_MOB_REWARD_AD_ID_HERE"
public function onActivityCreated(): admob Initialize(admobAppId, function(error) { if error: display "Error initializing AdMob!" else: debugLog "AdMob Initialized Successfully!" })
function loadRewardedAd(rewardedAdId as string): admob LoadRewardedAd(admobAppId, rewardedAdId, function(adsLoaded as boolean): if adsLoaded: debugLog "Ad is loaded!" else: debugLog "Error loading ad!" )
Replace `"YOUR_AD_MOB_APP_ID_HERE"` with your AdMob app ID, and `"YOUR_AD_MOB_REWARD_AD_ID_HERE"` with your rewarded ad unit ID.
Step 3: Add the AdMob Plugin to the Buildbox Game
1. In the Buildbox Game Editor, click on the "Scene" button in the top menu bar.
2. Select "Assets" > "plugins" > "Admob.plugin" and drag and drop it onto the Scene canvas.
3. Your AdMob plugin is now installed and configured.
**Integrating Admob Ad Units in Your Game**
Step 1: Add AdMob Ad Unit in Your Game
1. In the Buildbox Game Editor, create a new instance of the AdMob ad unit.
2. Name the instance (e.g., "RewardedAd").
3. From the "Actions" palette, drag and drop an "Admob LoadAd" action onto the Stage.
4. Configure the AdMob ad unit options, such as ad formats (e.g., "RewardedAd").
**Track Your Ad Earnings with AdMob Analytics**
To track your ad earnings with AdMob Analytics, you need to integrate the Analytics code into your game:
Step 1: Install the AdMob Analytics Plugin
1. In the Script Editor, click on the "Plugin" icon.
2. Search for "AdMob Analytics" in the plugin search bar, then click "Install".
3. Configure your AdMob app ID in the Analytics plugin settings.
4. Add the analytics tracking code to your script by copying-pasting the following code:
public function onActivityCreated(): admobAnalytics SetId(admobAppId)
function trackEvent(eventCategory as string, eventName as string, eventCount as int): admobAnalytics TrackEvent(admobAppId, eventCategory, eventName, eventCount)
The Analytics code tracks events related to ad interactions, ad views, and ad earnings. You can use the "trackEvent" function to track custom events.
That's it! Your AdMob setup is now complete. Build and publish your game to test it and track your ad earnings using AdMob Analytics. Happy gaming and monetizing
Here is the complete settings example for FITNESS WOMEN BUILDBOX PROJECT WITH ADMOB:
Step 1: Add Google AdMob to Your Android Project
In your project-level build.gradle
dependencies {
implementation ''
Step 2: Initialize the AdMob SDK
In your android/app/google-services.json
file, add the following configuration:
"configurations": [
"client_id": "YOUR_CLIENT_ID",
"client_app_id": "YOUR_CLIENT_APP_ID"
Step 3: Configure AdMob Interstitial Ads
In your strings.xml
<string name="interstitial_ad_unit_id">YOUR_INTERSTITIAL_AD_UNIT_ID</string>
Step 4: Configure AdMob Rewarded Video Ads
In your strings.xml
<string name="rewarded_video_ad_unit_id">YOUR_REWARDED_VIDEO_AD_UNIT_ID</string>
Step 5: Request and Show AdMob Interstitial Ads
In your activity's onCreate()
val interstitialAd = InterstitialAd(this)
interstitialAd.adUnitId = getString(R.string.interstitial_ad_unit_id)
Step 6: Request and Show AdMob Rewarded Video Ads
In your activity's onCreate()
val rewardedVideoAd = RewardedVideoAd(this)
rewardedVideoAd.adUnitId = getString(R.string.rewarded_video_ad_unit_id)
Please replace YOUR_CLIENT_ID
with your actual AdMob IDs.
Here is the information extracted from the content:
About the App
- The app is called Fitness Women
- It was built using Buildbox 2.3.8
- Admob
- Best Graphics
- Compatible with more than 12,508 devices
For Reskin
- If you want to reskin the game or add more features, contact the creator
How to Export
- Import build.gradle into Android Studio
- Change the package name, app name, icons, and AdMob ID to your own
- Export the project and upload the APK file to Play Store
Note: There are also two images in the content, which show screenshots of the app in action.
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