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Gold HD Wallpaper 2021 – With AdMob & GDPR Review
Don’t miss out on this amazing offer! For a limited time, you can get 15% off of the Gold HD Wallpaper 2021 app. This app is an Android template application with an awesome material design, making it a comprehensive wallpaper system that runs under the Android platform. With its user-friendly interface, you can easily display any wallpaper from public sites like Pinterest, Imgur, or even from your own server!
Features of Gold HD Wallpaper 2021 App
The app comes with a plethora of features that make it an excellent choice for anyone looking for a wallpaper application. Some of the key features include:
- Android Studio Support with Material Design: The app is designed with a modern and sleek material design, making it a pleasure to use.
- Easy to Use: The app is incredibly easy to understand and use, even for those who are not tech-savvy.
- Online and Offline Mode: You can use the app in both online and offline modes, making it convenient for you to access your wallpapers whenever you want.
- Many Options: The app offers a wide range of options, including downloading wallpapers to your device, setting them as wallpaper for your home screen or lock screen, previewing with details, and adding them to your favorites.
- Simple JSON Database: The app uses a simple JSON database, making it easy to manage and organize your wallpapers.
- User Reporting System: The app has a system that allows users to report any wallpapers that they find inappropriate or offensive.
- Push Notifications: You’ll receive a pop-up dialogue when a new update is available for the app.
- AdMob Integration: The app has AdMob banner and interstitial ads integrated, providing a revenue stream for developers.
- Interstitial Frequency: You can control the frequency of interstitial ads to ensure that they don’t disrupt your user experience.
- Easy Reskinning: The app is easy to reskin, taking less than 30 minutes to publish your app on the store.
The app comes with some impressive screenshots that showcase its features and design.
I’m impressed with the Gold HD Wallpaper 2021 app and give it a rating of 5 out of 5 stars. The app is well-designed, easy to use, and offers a wide range of features that make it an excellent choice for anyone looking for a wallpaper application.
Don’t miss out on this amazing offer! Get 15% off of the Gold HD Wallpaper 2021 app and experience its features and design for yourself. With its user-friendly interface, online and offline mode, and AdMob integration, this app is an excellent choice for anyone looking for a comprehensive wallpaper application.
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Welcome to this comprehensive tutorial on how to use the Gold HD WALLPAPER 2021 app with AdMob and GDPR compliance. In this tutorial, we will guide you through the process of setting up and integrating AdMob into your app, as well as complying with the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR).
What is AdMob?
AdMob is a mobile advertising platform that allows developers to monetize their apps by displaying ads to users. AdMob offers a range of ad formats, including banner ads, interstitial ads, and rewarded videos, among others. AdMob is owned by Google and is widely used by developers around the world.
What is GDPR?
The General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) is a European Union (EU) regulation that aims to protect the personal data of individuals within the EU. The GDPR requires organizations to provide transparent and easy-to-understand information about how they collect, store, and use personal data. The GDPR also gives individuals the right to access, rectify, and erase their personal data, as well as the right to object to the processing of their data.
Why is GDPR compliance important?
GDPR compliance is important because it helps to ensure that developers and organizations are handling personal data in a responsible and transparent manner. Compliance with the GDPR also helps to build trust with users and regulators, and can help to avoid fines and penalties for non-compliance.
Getting Started with AdMob and GDPR
To get started with AdMob and GDPR, you will need to follow these steps:
- Create an AdMob account: Go to the AdMob website and create an account. You will need to provide some basic information, such as your name and email address.
- Create a new ad unit: Once you have created an AdMob account, you will need to create a new ad unit. An ad unit is a container that holds an ad. You can create multiple ad units in your AdMob account.
- Integrate AdMob into your app: You will need to integrate AdMob into your app by adding the AdMob SDK to your project. The AdMob SDK is a software development kit that provides the functionality for displaying ads in your app.
- Configure AdMob settings: You will need to configure AdMob settings, such as the ad format, ad size, and ad targeting. You can configure AdMob settings in the AdMob dashboard.
- Comply with GDPR: You will need to comply with GDPR by providing a privacy policy for your app and obtaining consent from users to collect and process their personal data.
Step-by-Step Tutorial
Step 1: Create an AdMob account
- Go to the AdMob website and click on the "Sign up" button.
- Fill out the registration form with your name, email address, and password.
- Click on the "Create account" button.
Step 2: Create a new ad unit
- Log in to your AdMob account and click on the "Ad units" tab.
- Click on the "Create ad unit" button.
- Select the ad format you want to use (e.g. banner, interstitial, rewarded video).
- Fill out the ad unit settings, such as the ad size and ad targeting.
- Click on the "Create ad unit" button.
Step 3: Integrate AdMob into your app
- Download the AdMob SDK for your platform (e.g. Android, iOS).
- Add the AdMob SDK to your project by copying the SDK files into your project directory.
- Import the AdMob SDK into your project by adding the following line of code to your project's build.gradle file (for Android) or your project's Podfile (for iOS):
dependencies { implementation '' }
- Initialize the AdMob SDK by adding the following line of code to your app's main activity (for Android) or app delegate (for iOS):
import; MobileAds.initialize(this, "YOUR_AD_UNIT_ID");
Add an ad view to your app's layout by adding the following line of code to your app's layout file (for Android) or storyboard (for iOS):
< android:id="@+id/adView" android:layout_width="wrap_content" android:layout_height="wrap_content" ads:adSize="BANNER" ads:adUnitId="YOUR_AD_UNIT_ID"> </>
Step 4: Configure AdMob settings
- Log in to your AdMob account and click on the "Ad units" tab.
- Click on the ad unit you created in Step 2.
- Click on the "Settings" tab.
- Configure the ad settings, such as the ad format, ad size, and ad targeting.
- Click on the "Save" button.
Step 5: Comply with GDPR
- Provide a privacy policy for your app that explains how you collect and process user data.
- Obtain consent from users to collect and process their personal data.
- Comply with the GDPR's requirements for data protection, such as storing user data securely and giving users the right to access, rectify, and erase their data.
In this tutorial, we have covered the basics of using AdMob and complying with GDPR. By following these steps, you can integrate AdMob into your app and comply with the GDPR's requirements for data protection. Remember to always follow the AdMob and GDPR guidelines to ensure that your app is compliant and user-friendly.
Here is an example of complete settings for Gold HD WALLPAPER 2021 - With ADMOB & GDPR:
Package Name com.goldwallpaper
Application Icon res/drawable/icon.png
Application Logo res/drawable/logos.png
Title Gold HD WALLPAPER 2021
Description The Best Gold HD Wallpapers with Admob and GDPR compliant.
Minimum SDK 21
Target SDK 29
NDK true
Multi-Dex true
Proguard true
Firebase Google Services google-services.json
Admob app/google-admob/app_id.xml
Admob Banner app/google-admob/banner_ad_unit_id.xml
Admob Interstitial app/google-admob/interstitial_ad_unit_id.xml
GDPR Compliance app/gdpr/compliance.xml
Language en
Region US
Note: The above settings are just an example, please make sure to update the values according to your specific project requirements.
Here are the features mentioned about the Gold HD Wallpaper 2021 app:
- Android Studio Support with Material Design: The app is built with Android Studio and features Material Design.
- Easily to use and to understand it: The app is designed to be user-friendly and easy to understand.
- Support online and offline mode: The app can run in both online and offline modes.
- Many options: The app offers various options, including:
- Download wallpaper to device
- Set as wallpaper for home screen or lock screen
- Preview with detail
- Add to favorites
- Simple JSON Database: The app uses a simple JSON database.
- System to report any wallpaper: The app has a system that allows users to report any wallpaper.
- Get a pop-up dialogue when any new update is available for app: The app will display a pop-up dialogue when a new update is available.
- Admob banner & interstitial integrated: The app integrates Admob banner and interstitial ads.
- Interstitial Frequency: The app allows for customizable interstitial frequency.
- Very easy to Reskin: The app can be easily reskinned, taking less than 30 minutes to publish on the store.
Additionally, the app includes the following:
- A 15% discount on the offer, which will expire soon.
- The ability to display wallpapers from public sites like Pinterest and Imgur, or from the user's own server.
- Support for multiple screen sizes and resolutions.
- A preview feature with detailed information about each wallpaper.
- The ability to add wallpapers to favorites for easy access later.
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