News App With CMS & Push Notifications – iOS
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News App With CMS & Push Notifications – iOS Review
I recently had the opportunity to review the "News App With CMS & Push Notifications – iOS" template, and I must say that I was impressed with its features and capabilities. As a developer, I was looking for a template that would allow me to create a professional-looking news app with a robust content management system (CMS) and push notifications, and this template exceeded my expectations.
Features and Functionality
The template is built using Cordova and Xcode, making it compatible with iOS devices from version 7 and up. It includes a range of features that make it an ideal solution for creating a news app, including:
- Support for HTML, CSS, JS, and jQuery
- Server-side support for PHP and MySQL
- Push notifications
- Two different text postions in tiles
- Seven unique tile animation effects
- 16 scroll animation effects
- Retina support
- Easily editable template
- Unique and beautiful design
- Support for any language
- Animated elements of the interface
- External database with administration panel (CMS)
- Compatible with App Store (iTunes) requirements
- Ads-ready with banner and interstitial support
- Scalable content
- PDF step-by-step guide
- Tested on real devices
Ease of Use
One of the standout features of this template is its ease of use. The developer has included a comprehensive PDF guide that walks you through the setup process, and the template is designed to be easy to customize and modify. Even beginners can use this template to create a professional-looking news app.
Push Notifications
The template includes support for push notifications, which allows you to send notifications to your app users. This feature is particularly useful for news apps, as it allows you to keep your users informed about the latest news and updates.
Integration with Social Media
The template also includes integration with popular social media platforms such as Google Maps, Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, and Vimeo. This allows you to include social media feeds and buttons in your app, making it easy for users to share content and connect with your brand.
Overall, I was impressed with the "News App With CMS & Push Notifications – iOS" template. Its features and functionality make it an ideal solution for creating a professional-looking news app, and its ease of use makes it accessible to developers of all skill levels. With a score of 4.33 out of 5, I highly recommend this template to anyone looking to create a news app.
Rating: 4.33/5
Recommendation: I highly recommend this template to anyone looking to create a news app. Its features and functionality make it an ideal solution for creating a professional-looking app, and its ease of use makes it accessible to developers of all skill levels.
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The News App with CMS & Push Notifications for iOS is a powerful solution for news publishers to deliver engaging content to their readers. In this tutorial, we will walk you through the steps to build a News App with CMS (Content Management System) and Push Notifications for iOS devices.
- Xcode 11.0 or later
- iOS 13.0 or later
- CocoaPods 1.9.3 or later
- News App CMS (e.g., WordPress, Medium, or your own CMS)
- Push Notification service (e.g., Apple Push Notification service (APNs), Firebase Cloud Messaging (FCM), or Google Cloud Messaging (GCM))
- Basic understanding of iOS development and programming
What you will learn
In this tutorial, we will cover the following topics:
- Setting up the News App CMS and connecting it to the News App
- Designing the News App layout and user interface
- Implementing Push Notifications in the News App
- Integrate CMS API with News App for data fetching and parsing
- Test and Debug the News App
Setting up the News App CMS and connecting it to the News App
Step 1: Install WordPress (or your CMS)
If you're using WordPress, install the WordPress CMS on your website or use an existing WordPress website. You can install it on your own server or use a WordPress hosting service like
Step 2: Set up WordPress REST API
Enable the WordPress REST API plugin on your WordPress website. This will allow your News App to connect to your CMS and fetch data.
Step 3: Get your WordPress REST API credentials
Generate a new set of credentials (Client ID and Client Secret) from your WordPress REST API dashboard. These credentials will be used to authenticate your News App and access your CMS data.
Step 4: Integrate WordPress REST API with News App
In your News App, import the WordPress REST API framework (WP REST API) and initialize it with your CMS credentials. This will establish a connection between your News App and your CMS.
Designing the News App layout and user interface
Step 1: Design the News App layout
Use a wireframing tool like Sketch or Figma to design the News App layout. The layout should include:
- Header section with title and logo
- Navigation menu (for categories and sections)
- Article list (displaying article titles, summaries, and images)
- Article details (displaying full article content and multimedia elements)
Step 2: Implement the News App UI
Using your favorite programming language and UI framework (e.g., UIKit or SwiftUI), implement the News App UI based on your wireframe design. Ensure that the UI is responsive and adaptive for various device sizes and orientations.
Implementing Push Notifications in the News App
Step 1: Create a Push Notification certificate
Create a Push Notification certificate on your Apple Developer account. This certificate is required to send push notifications from your News App to Apple devices.
Step 2: Set up APNs or FCM
Choose a Push Notification service (APNs or FCM) and set it up. Configure your service to send push notifications from your News App.
Step 3: Implement Push Notifications in News App
In your News App, implement Push Notifications using your chosen Push Notification service. Handle notifications, token generation, and token registration with the APNs or FCM service.
Integrate CMS API with News App for data fetching and parsing
Step 1: Define the data fetch API endpoint
Using your WordPress REST API framework, define a custom API endpoint to fetch data (articles, categories, or tags) from your CMS. This endpoint will return the data in JSON format.
Step 2: Fetch and parse the data
In your News App, fetch the data from the defined API endpoint and parse the JSON data. Convert the data into a suitable format for display in the News App UI.
Test and Debug the News App
Step 1: Test the News App UI
Use your News App to ensure that the UI is properly designed and functions as expected. Test different screen sizes, orientations, and scenarios to ensure compatibility.
Step 2: Test the Push Notifications
Use your Push Notification service (APNs or FCM) to test push notifications from your News App. Test notification registration, notification reception, and notification handling in your News App.
Step 3: Test the CMS API connection
Use the News App to test the CMS API connection. Verify that data is fetched and parsed correctly, and displayed properly in the News App UI.
In this tutorial, we covered the essential steps to build a News App with CMS & Push Notifications for iOS devices. By following this tutorial, you will be able to create a fully functional News App with seamless integration with your CMS and Push Notifications.
Configuring Firebase Cloud Messaging (FCM) for Push Notifications
To configure FCM, follow these steps:
Go to the Firebase console ( and create a new Firebase project. Click on "Add Firebase to your web app" and fill in the required information. Create a new iOS app and download the GoogleService-Info.plist file.
In Xcode, navigate to the "General" tab of your target settings and drag and drop the GoogleService-Info.plist file into the "Embeded Binaries" section.
Configuring Server API Key
To use FCM, you need to create a server API key. In the Firebase console, navigate to the "Cloud Messaging" tab and click on "Cloud Messaging API key". Click on "Create API key" and fill in the required information. Copy the API key and store it securely in your app.
Configuring News CMS
To configure the news CMS, follow these steps:
In the Firebase Realtime Database, create a new node called "news" with the following structure:
"news": {
"-LrDjF8...": {
"title": "News Title",
"content": "News Content",
"author": "John Doe"
"-LrDjF9...": {
"title": "News Title 2",
"content": "News Content 2",
"author": "Jane Doe"
In your app, use the following code to fetch the news data:
func fetchNews(completion: ([News]) -> Void) {
let databaseRef = Database.database().reference().child("news")
databaseRef.observe(.value) { (snapshot) in
let newsArray = snapshot.children.allObjects as! [DataSnapshot]
let news = newsArray.compactMap { News.init(from: $0) }
struct News {
let title: String
let content: String
let author: String
init(from snapshot: DataSnapshot) {
title = snapshot.childSnapshot(forPath: "title").value as! String
content = snapshot.childSnapshot(forPath: "content").value as! String
author = snapshot.childSnapshot(forPath: "author").value as! String
Configuring Notification Settings
To configure notification settings, follow these steps:
In your app's Info.plist file, add the following settings:
In your app delegate, implement the following method to handle notification processing:
func userNotificationCenter(_ center: UNUserNotificationCenter!, willPresent notification: UNNotification!, withCompletionHandler completionHandler: ([UNNotificationPresentationOptions]!) -> Void) {
// Process notification
Note: This is just a sample configuration and you should adjust the settings according to your specific requirements.
Here are the features of the News App With CMS & Push Notifications - iOS:
- Support: Xcode with Cordova
- Compatible platforms: iOS (from 7 to latest)
- Compatible devices: iPhones, iPads
- App code: HTML, CSS, JS, jQuery
- Server side: PHP, My SQL
- Push Notification
- 2 different text postions in tiles
- 7 unique tile animation effects
- 16 scroll animation effects
- Retina support
- Easily editable template
- Unique and beautiful design
- Support any language
- Animated elements of the interface
- External data base (update your app in real time) with administration panel (CMS)
- Compatible with the requirements of App Store (iTunes)
- Ads Ready: Banner and Interstitial support by external plugins
- Scalable content
- PDF - step-by-step guide
- Tested on real devices - see movie
- All icons included for Android
- All splash screen included for Android
- Notification options with communication owner of the app >> client
- Integration with: Google Maps, Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, Vimeo with support of all social media solutions
- Administrator can create any type of information in CMS
Note that some of these features may be mentioned multiple times in the text, but I've only listed each one once in the above list.
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