RealBiz – Real Estate Listing Agency Portal
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LIVE PREVIEWRealBiz – Real Estate Listing Agency Portal Review
I recently had the opportunity to review the RealBiz – Real Estate Listing Agency Portal, and I must say that it’s an impressive platform for real estate listing agencies. With its robust features and user-friendly interface, it’s no wonder why many real estate professionals are choosing RealBiz as their go-to solution.
Demo Preview
Before diving into the features, I would like to mention that the demo preview is available at The demo allows you to experience the platform firsthand, and it’s a great way to get a feel for the layout and functionality.
Main Features
RealBiz offers a wide range of features that cater to the needs of real estate listing agencies. Some of the notable features include:
- Multi-category and sub-category support
- Social login and guest login options
- PayPal, Stripe, and bank payment gateways
- Google Map and Open Street Map integration
- Grid view, list view, and map view options
- Geo-location based map search
- Offer creation and amenities creation
- Within-site messaging
- Multi-language and RTL language support
- Custom field addition from the admin panel
- Drag-and-drop widgets to change the look and feel
- Send newsletter and built-in pages
- SEO and custom URL from the admin panel
- Widget for AdSense and image watermark
- 200+ yes/no settings to control almost everything
What a Visitor Will Get
As a visitor, you can expect the following features:
- Login using Facebook, Google, or email
- Login as a guest to check everything before signing up
- Pay for publishing or featuring
- Search listings based on category, current GEO location, city, state, or country
- Search using plain text input
- Contact listings owners via within-site message or email
- Check and give reviews and ratings of listings
- Mark listings as favorites
- Check offers given by listings
- Claim or report listings
What a Listings Owner (General Users) Will Get
As a listings owner (general user), you can expect the following features:
- Create listings page
- Upload logo, image gallery, and panorama photo
- Create various offers for listings
- Receive emails from visitors
- Receive personal messages from visitors
- Send bulk email to interested people
- Do a paid promotion
- Check payment histories
- Update profile information
What a Site Owner (Admin) Will Get
As a site owner (admin), you can expect the following features:
- Powerful dashboard
- Listings management
- Categories and sub-categories management
- Packages to take payment from users for creating listings
- Packages to take payment from users for featuring their listings
- Manage country, state, and cities
- Manage amenities for separate categories
- Manage custom fields for separate categories
- Manage banner from banner settings
- Manage pagination, currency, post approval, and more from content settings
- Manage social login, comment box, and social share buttons
- Manage search panel outlook and filter from settings
- Manage map from map settings
- Control email sending from SMTP email settings
- Control system parameters from system settings
- Manage PayPal settings
- Manage payment histories
- Mask any URL with SEO-friendly URL
- Add SEO meta tags for any page
- Take payment via PayPal or bank payment
- Control languages, logo, and watermark
- Send newsletter and send bulk email to users
- Customize email texts
- Create, ban, and delete users
- Create, edit, and place widgets to control page content
- Place AdSense using widgets
- Create blog post, news, or articles
- Create manual pages
- Manage main menu through drag-and-drop interface
- Create and manage backup
- Generate site map
- Clean unused images
- Control almost any feature from the admin panel using 200+ settings
Support Facility
RealBiz offers a comprehensive support facility, including a support form, documentation, and FAQs. The support team is available to assist with any queries or issues you may have.
The changelog is available, and it’s updated regularly to reflect the latest changes and updates to the platform.
I would give RealBiz – Real Estate Listing Agency Portal a score of 9 out of 10. The platform is feature-rich, user-friendly, and offers excellent support. The only area for improvement is the documentation, which could be more comprehensive.
Overall, I highly recommend RealBiz – Real Estate Listing Agency Portal to any real estate listing agency looking for a robust and feature-rich platform.
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Congratulations on joining the RealBiz team! As a real estate listing agency, our mission is to provide a cutting-edge platform for brokers and agents to manage their clients' properties, stay connected, and drive success in the competitive real estate industry. The RealBiz Agency Portal is designed to facilitate seamless communication, data analysis, and collaboration among stakeholders, ensuring a superior service experience for your clients and colleagues.
In this tutorial, we will walk you through the steps to familiarize yourself with the features and functionalities of the RealBiz Agency Portal. With this comprehensive guide, you will be able to get the most out of this powerful tool, maximizing its benefits for your real estate business.
Section 1: Logging In
- Go to and enter your user ID and password. Your administrator should have provided this information to you.
- Click on the "Login" button to access the portal.
Section 2: Navigating the Dashboard
Once you log in, you will be redirected to your personalized dashboard. From this screen, you can navigate to various sections to view important information, access useful tools, and take necessary actions.
- Browse the menu options: Scroll through the menu at the top of the screen and familiarize yourself with the various sections, including Properties, Contacts, Calendar, and Settings.
- Customizing your view: Use the dropdown menus within the dashboard to sort or filter the information according to your preferences.
Section 3: Property Listings
The Properties section allows you to manage and browse property listings. This comprehensive area enables you to monitor your listings, update property details, and upload documents.
- Create a new property: Click on the "Create New Property" button and enter the required details. Make sure to add any additional documents or multimedia materials relevant to the listing.
- Update a listing: Find the listing in question and click the pencil icon to edit it.
- Upload documents and photos: Attach documents (e.g., PDF brochures) or photographs to enhance the property profile.
- Use Quick View: Use the dropdown arrow next to the "Actions" column to see a quick overview of a property's details without entering the full property listing screen.
Section 4: Contact Management
Contact management is crucial for smooth communication and organization within the real estate agency. Utilize this section to effectively manage your contacts.
- Create a new contact: Click on the "Create New Contact" button and enter the contact details.
- Assign listings to contacts: Allocate individual property listings to the desired contact(s) in order to maintain transparency and up-to-date information.
Section 5: Tasks and Reminders
RealBiz Agency Portal integrates robust task management capabilities. Easily set reminders and due dates to stay on top of critical tasks.
- Create a new task: Click on the "New Task" button to record any tasks or follow-up reminders.
- Customized notifications: Tailor the notification system by filtering by specific properties, contact names, or tasks based on your needs.
Section 6: Documents and Reports
For further ease of use and for client reference, our Portal includes an area dedicated to documents and reports. Manage, share, or search through these valuable assets effectively.
- Attach to property listings: Document uploaded within the Property section or via the Attach to Contact section will be reflected on this page.
- Customize your view: Utilize sorting options and filtering based on various criteria (date created, file type, content).
Section 7: Calendar
To increase visibility and collaboration among real estate professionals, RealBiz Agency Portal features an organized calendar. Manage upcoming activities and appointments.
- View and manage scheduled meetings: Filter events according to property, contact, agent, or any custom parameters for easy organization.
By completing this comprehensive tutorial, you are now familiarized with the key components of the RealBiz Agency Portal. Remember to navigate freely through the various sections and sections, as your learning will enhance your capabilities, increasing productivity and profitability. If you have any more questions or require assistance at any stage, don't hesitate to reach out.
Here is a complete settings example for RealBiz - Real Estate Listing Agency Portal:
API Settings
To configure API settings, follow these steps:
- Go to the RealBiz portal and click on the "Settings" icon.
- Click on the "API" tab.
- Enter your API Key and API Secret Key in the respective fields.
- Set the API Server URL to the URL provided by RealBiz.
- Set the API Timeout to 30 seconds.
- Click "Save" to save the changes.
Agency Settings
To configure agency settings, follow these steps:
- Go to the RealBiz portal and click on the "Settings" icon.
- Click on the "Agency" tab.
- Enter your agency name in the "Agency Name" field.
- Enter your agency address in the "Agency Address" field.
- Enter your agency phone number in the "Agency Phone" field.
- Enter your agency email in the "Agency Email" field.
- Click "Save" to save the changes.
Listing Settings
To configure listing settings, follow these steps:
- Go to the RealBiz portal and click on the "Settings" icon.
- Click on the "Listings" tab.
- Set the default listing type to "Residential" or "Commercial".
- Set the default listing status to "Active" or "Inactive".
- Set the default listing price range to a specific range.
- Click "Save" to save the changes.
Search Settings
To configure search settings, follow these steps:
- Go to the RealBiz portal and click on the "Settings" icon.
- Click on the "Search" tab.
- Set the default search radius to a specific distance.
- Set the default search type to "Address" or "Zip Code".
- Set the default search filters to specific criteria.
- Click "Save" to save the changes.
Payment Settings
To configure payment settings, follow these steps:
- Go to the RealBiz portal and click on the "Settings" icon.
- Click on the "Payment" tab.
- Set the payment gateway to "PayPal" or "Stripe".
- Enter your payment gateway API credentials.
- Set the payment processing fee to a specific percentage.
- Click "Save" to save the changes.
Security Settings
To configure security settings, follow these steps:
- Go to the RealBiz portal and click on the "Settings" icon.
- Click on the "Security" tab.
- Set the password strength to a specific level.
- Set the two-factor authentication to "Enabled" or "Disabled".
- Set the IP blocking to "Enabled" or "Disabled".
- Click "Save" to save the changes.
Here are the main features of the RealBiz - Real Estate Listing Agency Portal:
- Multi Category & Sub Category: Ability to categorize listings into multiple categories and subcategories.
- Social Login & Guest Login: Users can log in using social media (Facebook, Google, etc.) or as a guest.
- Paypal, Stripe & Bank Payment: Supports multiple payment gateways, including PayPal, Stripe, and bank payment.
- Google Map and Open Street Map: Integration with Google Maps and Open Street Map for location-based searching and mapping.
- Can upload banner: Users can upload banners to highlight their listings.
- Grid view, List View & Map View: Three different views to search and display listings (grid, list, and map).
- Geo location based map serach: Users can search listings based on their current geolocation.
- Offer creation: Listings can have multiple offers and details.
- Amenities creation: Customizable amenities for each listing.
- Within site messaging: Users can send personal messages to other users.
- Multi language & RTL language support: Supports multiple languages and RTL languages.
- Custom field addition from admin panel: Administrators can add custom fields to listings.
- Drag drop widgets to change the look: Widgets can be rearranged using drag-and-drop functionality to change the layout.
- Send newsletter: Users can send newsletters to other users.
- Built in Pages: Pre-built pages for user profiles, listings, etc.
- SEO and caustom url from admin panel: Administrators can configure SEO settings and custom URLs.
- Widget for Adsense: Integrates with AdSense for monetization.
- Image watermark: Ability to add a watermark to images.
- 200+ yes/no settings to control almost everything: Over 200 settings to control various features and settings.
Features available to visitors:
- Login using Facebook, Google, Email: Ability to log in using various authentication methods.
- Login as Guest to Check Everything Before Signup: Option to log in as a guest to test the platform before signing up.
- Pay for Publishing or Featuring: Visitors can pay to publish or feature their listings.
- Search Listings Based on Category: Ability to search listings by category.
- Search Listings Based on Current GEO Location: Ability to search listings based on current geolocation.
- Contact Listings Owner via Within Site Message Or Email: Contact owners of listings using messaging or email.
- Check and Give Review and Rating of a Listings: Ability to review and rate listings.
- Mark Listings as favourite: Ability to mark favorite listings.
- Check offers given by a Listings: Ability to check offers made by listings owners.
- Claim Or Report a Listings: Ability to claim or report listings.
Features available to listings owners (general users):
- Create Listings page: Ability to create a listings page.
- Upload logo, image gallery, Panoroma Photo: Ability to upload logo, images, and panoramic photos to listings.
- Create Various Offers for Listings: Ability to create multiple offers for listings.
- Recieve Emails from visitors: Receive emails from visitors.
- Recieve Personal Messages from visitors: Receive personal messages from visitors.
- Send Bulk Email to Interested Peoples: Send bulk emails to interested users.
- Do a paid Promotion: Paid promotion options.
- Check Payment histories: Ability to check payment history.
- Update profile information: Ability to update profile information.
Features available to site owners (administrators):
- Powerful Dashboard: Advanced dashboard for managing listings, users, and site settings.
- Listings Management: Manage listings, including categories, subcategories, and attributes.
- Packages to take payment from users for creating Listings: Control packages for listing creation.
- Manage Country, State, Cities: Manage geographic locations (country, state, city) for listings.
- Manage Amenities for separate categories: Manage amenities for separate categories.
- Manage Custom fields for separate categories: Manage custom fields for separate categories.
- Banner management: Manage banners.
- Pagination, Currency, Post Approval settings: Configure pagination, currency, and post approval settings.
- Comment Box: Manage comment boxes.
- Social Share Buttons: Manage social share buttons.
- Search panel Outlook and filter: Configure search panel outlook and filter settings.
- Map from map settings settings: Manage map settings.
- Control email sending: Control email sending.
- Control system parameters: Control system parameters.
- PayPal Settings: Manage PayPal settings.
- Manage Payment histories: Manage payment histories.
- Mask any url with SEO friendly url: Ability to mask URLs with SEO-friendly URLs.
- Add SEO meta tags for any page: Add SEO meta tags to any page.
- Customize email texts: Customizable email texts.
- Create, Ban, Delete User: Control user management (create, ban, delete).
- Create, Edit, Place widgets to control page Content: Customize widgets to control page content.
- Place Adsense using widgets: Ability to place AdSense codes using widgets.
- Create blog post, news or articles: Ability to create blog posts, news, or articles.
- Create Manual Pages: Ability to create manual pages.
- Manage Main Menu: Manage main menu settings.
The platform also provides the following support facilities:
- Support Form: Available for submitting product-related queries, after-sales support, customization projects, and any other queries.
- Documentation: Available in PDF format.
- Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ): Available for users.
- Rating system: Available for users to rate the platform.
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