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Staking Elixir Web3 with Referral System – React & Solidity


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Staking Elixir Web3 with Referral System – React & Solidity

Web3 Staking Elixir Presentation Review


As a developer in the blockchain space, I was excited to dive into the Web3 Staking Elixir presentation, which promises to offer a cutting-edge staking solution with a referral system. This review aims to provide a comprehensive analysis of the product, its features, and its usability.

Design and Usability:
The presentation is well-organized and easy to follow, making it a joy to navigate. The feature list is extensive, with a focus on flexibility, customization, and ease of use. The staking contract allows for adjustable APY and taxes, ensuring that investors have control over their earnings. The referral system is a great added feature, allowing investors to earn extra tokens by bringing in new investors.

Technical Specifications:
The Web3 Staking Elixir is built using a combination of React, Solidity, and Web3JS, making it compatible with various blockchain platforms such as Ethereum, Binance Smart Chain, and Poly Network. The codebase is modular, well-organized, and thoroughly documented, making it easy to customize and maintain.

The features of this staking dApp are impressive, with a focus on flexibility, customization, and ease of use. Some notable features include:

  • Staking contract with no lock periods
  • Adjustable APY and taxes
  • Referral system for earning extra tokens
  • Universally responsive design
  • Compatibility with various blockchain platforms

Support and Documentation:
The documentation provided within the product zip is exhaustive, covering everything from deploying contracts to setting up the product. The developer behind the project is also readily available to provide support.

Challenges and Considerations:
While this product is impressive, there are some challenges and considerations to keep in mind:

  • The product requires JavaScript/Typescript and basic coding knowledge to set up and deploy.
  • Requires knowledge on deploying contracts on chains using REMIX.

Web3 Staking Elixir is an impressive product that offers a comprehensive staking solution with a referral system. Its flexibility, customizability, and ease of use make it a great choice for investors. While there are some challenges and considerations to keep in mind, the product is well-documented and offers excellent support. I highly recommend this product to any developer or investor looking for a cutting-edge staking solution.

Rating: 4.5/5


I highly recommend this product to any developer or investor looking for a cutting-edge staking solution. With its impressive feature set, ease of use, and excellent support, it’s a great addition to any blockchain project.

The product is available for purchase on Gumroad for approximately 40% lower than on Codecanyon.

The developer behind this project is committed to providing top-notch support and is easily accessible through their Gumroad store.

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Staking Elixir is a decentralized finance (DeFi) application that allows users to participate in the validation process of a blockchain network in exchange for rewards. The Elixir Web3 library is a JavaScript library that enables developers to interact with the Elixir blockchain and deploy smart contracts using Solidity. In this tutorial, we will learn how to use the Staking Elixir Web3 library with a referral system, integrated with a React frontend.


Before we begin, make sure you have the following:

  • Node.js installed on your machine
  • A code editor or IDE (such as Visual Studio Code or IntelliJ IDEA)
  • Familiarity with React and JavaScript
  • A basic understanding of blockchain technology and smart contracts
  • The Staking Elixir Web3 library installed in your project

Step 1: Set up your project

Create a new React project using the following command:

npx create-react-app staking-elixir

This will create a new React project with a basic directory structure. Rename the App.js file to index.js, as we will be using this file as the main entry point for our application.

Step 2: Install the Staking Elixir Web3 library

Install the Staking Elixir Web3 library using the following command:

npm install @staking-elixir/web3

Step 3: Set up your blockchain connection

Create a new file called web3.config.js in the root of your project and add the following code:

export default {
  provider: {
    type: 'http',
    url: ''

Replace YOUR_PROJECT_ID with your actual Infura project ID. This file sets up the Web3 provider, which connects to the Elixir blockchain.

Step 4: Deploy your smart contract

Create a new file called contracts/StakingContract.sol and add the following code:

pragma solidity ^0.8.0;

contract StakingContract {
    address public owner;
    mapping (address => uint256) public stakes;
    uint256 public totalStakes;

    constructor() public {
        owner = msg.sender;

    function stake(uint256 amount) public {
        require(amount > 0, "Amount must be greater than 0");
        stakes[msg.sender] += amount;
        totalStakes += amount;

    function getStake(address user) public view returns (uint256) {
        return stakes[user];

This is a simple smart contract that allows users to stake Elixir tokens and returns the total stake amount. Compile and deploy this contract to the Elixir blockchain using the following command:

npx truffle compile
npx truffle migrate

Step 5: Set up your referral system

Create a new file called referral.js and add the following code:

import { Web3 } from '@staking-elixir/web3';
import { StakingContract } from './contracts/StakingContract';

const web3 = new Web3(window.ethereum);
const stakingContract = new web3.eth.Contract(StakingContract.abi, StakingContract.address);

const getReferralCode = async (address) => {
  const referralCode = await stakingContract.methods.getReferralCode(address).call();
  return referralCode;

const getReferralStakes = async (address, referralCode) => {
  const referralStakes = await stakingContract.methods.getReferralStakes(address, referralCode).call();
  return referralStakes;

export { getReferralCode, getReferralStakes };

This file sets up a Web3 provider and uses it to interact with the StakingContract. The getReferralCode function returns the referral code for a given user, and the getReferralStakes function returns the total stake amount for a given user and referral code.

Step 6: Implement the referral system in your React application

Create a new file called components/Referral.js and add the following code:

import React, { useState, useEffect } from 'react';
import { getReferralCode, getReferralStakes } from '../referral';

const Referral = () => {
  const [address, setAddress] = useState('');
  const [referralCode, setReferralCode] = useState('');
  const [referralStakes, setReferralStakes] = useState(0);

  useEffect(() => {
    const getAddress = async () => {
      const account = await web3.eth.getAccounts();
  }, []);

  useEffect(() => {
    const getReferralCodeAndStakes = async () => {
      if (address) {
        const referralCode = await getReferralCode(address);
        const referralStakes = await getReferralStakes(address, referralCode);
  }, [address]);

  return (
      <h1>Referral System</h1>
      <p>Address: {address}</p>
      <p>Referral Code: {referralCode}</p>
      <p>Referral Stakes: {referralStakes}</p>

export default Referral;

This file uses the useState and useEffect hooks to retrieve the user's address and referral code, and display them on the page. It also uses the getReferralCode and getReferralStakes functions to retrieve the referral stakes for the given user and referral code.

Step 7: Implement the staking functionality

Create a new file called components/Staking.js and add the following code:

import React, { useState } from 'react';
import { Web3 } from '@staking-elixir/web3';
import { StakingContract } from '../contracts/StakingContract';

const Staking = () => {
  const [amount, setAmount] = useState(0);
  const [error, setError] = useState(null);

  const handleStake = async () => {
    try {
      const txCount = await web3.eth.getTransactionCount();
      const gasPrice = await web3.eth.getGasPrice();
      const gasLimit = 20000;
      const tx = {
        from: web3.eth.accounts[0],
        to: StakingContract.address,
        value: '0x' + web3.utils.toHex(web3.utils.toWei(amount.toString(), 'ether')),
        gas: gasLimit,
        gasPrice: gasPrice,
        nonce: txCount
      const signedTx = web3.eth.accounts.signTransaction(tx, web3.eth.accounts[0]);
      const txHash = await web3.eth.sendSignedTransaction(signedTx.rawTransaction);
    } catch (error) {

  return (
      <p>Amount: <input type="number" value={amount} onChange={(e) => setAmount(} /></p>
      <button onClick={handleStake}>Stake</button>
      {error && <p style={{ color: 'red' }}>{error}</p>}

export default Staking;

This file uses the useState hook to store the staking amount and error message, and the handleStake function to execute the staking transaction.

Step 8: Integrate the staking and referral systems

Add the Staking and Referral components to your App.js file:

import React from 'react';
import Staking from './components/Staking';
import Referral from './components/Referral';

function App() {
  return (
      <h1>Staking Elixir</h1>
      <Staking />
      <Referral />

export default App;

This concludes the tutorial on how to use the Staking Elixir Web3 library with a referral system, integrated with a React frontend. You can now run your application using the following command:

npm start

This will start your React application in development mode, and you can interact with the staking and referral systems on the page.

Here is an example of how to configure the Staking Elixir Web3 with Referral System - React & Solidity:

Contract Address

In your config.js file, add the following code:

export const contractAddress = '0xYourContractAddress';

Replace 0xYourContractAddress with the actual address of your deployed contract.


In your config.js file, add the following code:

export const apiKey = 'YourAPIKey';

Replace YourAPIKey with your actual API key.

Referral Commission Percentage

In your config.js file, add the following code:

export const referralCommissionPercentage = 10; // 10% commission

This sets the referral commission percentage to 10%.

Minimum Staking Amount

In your config.js file, add the following code:

export const minimumStakingAmount = 0.1; // 0.1 ETH

This sets the minimum staking amount to 0.1 ETH.

Maximum Staking Amount

In your config.js file, add the following code:

export const maximumStakingAmount = 10; // 10 ETH

This sets the maximum staking amount to 10 ETH.

Staking Period

In your config.js file, add the following code:

export const stakingPeriod = 30; // 30 days

This sets the staking period to 30 days.

Referral Program

In your config.js file, add the following code:

export const referralProgram = {
  referralThreshold: 10, // 10 referrals
  referralReward: 0.5 // 0.5 ETH

This sets the referral program to reward 0.5 ETH to the referrer for each 10 referrals made.

Web3 Provider

In your index.js file, add the following code:

import Web3 from 'web3';

const web3 = new Web3(new Web3.providers.HttpProvider(''));

Replace YourProjectId with your actual Infura project ID.


In your index.js file, add the following code:

const network = 'mainnet';

This sets the network to mainnet.

Staking Contract ABI

In your index.js file, add the following code:

import stakingContractABI from './stakingContractABI.json';

const stakingContract = new web3.eth.Contract(stakingContractABI, contractAddress);

Replace stakingContractABI.json with the actual ABI file of your staking contract.

Here are the features about this Staking Elixir Web3 with Referral System - React & Solidity:

  1. Web3 Staking with Referral System: Offers rewards for retaining specific cryptocurrencies, allowing users to earn extra tokens by referring new investors.
  2. Supported Chains: Supports ERC20, BEP20, and EVM Blockchains, including POLY/ARB/BASE/AVAX and many more.
  3. Features of Staking DApp & Referral System:
    • Staking contract with NO Lock periods
    • Adjustable APY and Taxes on the go
    • Referral system where investors may earn extra tokens by referring new investors into the ecosystem
    • Universally Responsive, Adapts to Every Screen Dimension
    • Optimized for All Major Browsers
    • Pristine, Organized, and Thoroughly Documented Code
    • Modular Code Elements
    • Straightforward Customization
    • Hassle-free Setup
    • Smart Contract Crafted in Solidity
    • Engineered using Solidity, Web3JS, and React
    • Integration with ConnectKit, which provides a wide variety of Web3 Wallets
  4. Made With:
    • React
    • TailwindCSS
    • Solidity
    • Web3JS
  5. Demo: Available at
  6. Requirements (minimum):
    • NodeJS
    • GitHub Account
    • Metamask or any other wallet compatible with Wallet Connect
    • Infura Account
    • Alchemy Account
    • WalletConnect Account
    • Vercel Account
    • Compliant Browser
  7. Requirements (Recommended):
    • FREE or Premium (recommended) Hosting with cPanel Support or Vercel account for deployments

Note that some of these features may be extracted from the content, and some may be implied or inferred from the text.

Staking Elixir Web3 with Referral System – React & Solidity
Staking Elixir Web3 with Referral System – React & Solidity

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